PO 38: Describe how CEC, soil texture, exchangeable acidity, and soil organic matter affect lime requirements.
Lime requirements increase with CEC, and a soil's CEC increases with organic matter content and clay content. Thus, clay soils with high organic matter content require more lime for a similar pH change than sandy soils with low organic matter. In other words, high CEC soils tend to be well-buffered, requiring more lime to change the pH; while sandy soils are poorly-buffered, requiring less lime per unit pH change. Also, because of the greater buffering, the soil pH will decrease slower on high CEC soils than on poorly-buffered sandy soils. In reduced-tillage systems, acidifying effects of N are concentrated at the soil surface. This is why two samples are required for pH testing: 0-1" and 0-6" (or 0-8").