PO 54: Know how to calculate total animal manure production on a livestock farm.
- Animal excretion plus other additions to process wastewater
- Load records and manure spreader calibration
Manure quantities and analyses are needed to properly allocate manure to cropland on an annual basis. Manure production can be measured based on the size of the storage, from records of how many loads of manure of a given size are hauled each year, or from animal inventories and production levels on the farm. Animal excretion plus other additions to process wastewater uses estimates of per-animal excretion to estimate total manure production. To use these factors, you need to determine the number of animal units (AU) that are producing manure and the number of days in the manure collection period. You may need to divide the animals into groups based on different size, age, storage or handling systems, etc. Animal unit calculation: